Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Rising Author Tag

Hello friends!

As said in my previous post, I'm sick and don't feel like being super creative right now.
So, when I saw Ariel from Scribes & Archers did the Rising Author Tag and left a open invitation for anyone to join in, I snagged the chance to avoid writing something original.

There's only ten questions, so let's get right in.

1. What is the weirdest thing someone has ever said about your writing?

My brother has been a great help with my current novel, but he has the gift of making absolutely anything seem hilarious and nonsensical.
In one instance, he was asking me any number of questions about the world to help me build it up. The questions started off making sense, he asked things like what is the process for dealing with garbage, what's the currency like, what happens to people when they die, etc.
And then, he started asking weird questions, one of which was, "Do they wear underwear?" When I laughed and said "Of course," he asked, "What brand? What's it made out of? Why do they wear it? Is it just a loin cloth?" I was red in the face from laughing so hard as the questions began getting worse and worse.

2. What is the worst thing you've ever written?

Oh dear. I don't want to answer this one... It was a horrendous "novel" called "The Rainbow" that I began when I was eleven. It was basically about a flood that covered the entire earth and caused the entire sky to turn into a rainbow. This led the characters to travel across the world in attempt to understand why it happened (I guess they didn't know basic science in this world).
I hate thinking about it, but it was technically my first "serious" story and I have since taken the characters and a few plot points and woven them into a different, better story that I am writing with my sister.

3. What is the most awkward scene you've ever written?

Hm... I'm not sure. I have a character who is designed to be awkward, and she brings quite a few embarrassing moments with her. Nothing really stands out, except for once when she nearly boarded the wrong ship and was confronted by a stranger.

4. On a scale from 1 to 10, how often do you end up writing more than 3 chapters of the stories you start?

I had to reread that a few times before I understood the question.
I'd say about five. I typically write a new side story for as long as the inspiration lasts and balance it with my current stories. It usually runs out within five chapters, and then I put it on hold and return to it sometime later.

5. What is the hardest thing for you to write?

Scenes involving lots of movement and action, such as dances or fight scenes, are very hard for me to write. I see them very clearly, but can never seem to grasp putting swift movements into words.

6. When you look back at your previous writing pieces, what's one thing you can see you've improved in?

Spelling. As I said in my post about dyslexia, writing has helped me improve my spelling immensely. Story wise, I'd say that my writing makes a lot more sense now.
Oh, and for poetry, my rhyming and word choice has improved.

7. How do you name characters?

That varies from character to character. Sometimes the names just click in my head and fit the character perfectly. Other times, I have to strain myself to invent a name or consult my list of favorite names. And, as morbid as it sounds, graveyards are a great way to come up with names too.

8. If you had to pick one genre to write in forever, what would it be?

Fantasy, by far. It doesn't have to follow the roads of reason and reality, it can be whatever you want. And it has dragons, unicorns, mermaids, and whatever else this wild brain of mine can come up with.

9. Which of your characters do you feel most guilty about?

Michael and Clare from my current novel. I've put those two through so much in such a short amount of time. They don't deserve it, but what can you do? Pain is a part of life.

10. Which of your characters deserve everything you've given them?

"Given" as in inflicted, or "given" as in "blessed"?
For blessed, it might be Mallie from my novella. She is innocent, imaginative, free thinking, and young. She still looks at the world with the understanding of a child. Her dreams come true, both the the sweet and the bitter.
For inflicted... I guess my only real option is Shayla Deen from a novel I've put on hold. She isn't a evil character, but she's rash and rude and has quite a bit coming to her in terms of infliction.

And that's the end of the tag!
Thank you Ariel for the tag (even though I technically stole it). She recently released her story The Mirror-Hunter Chronicles. Go check it out here!

Until next time!


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