Saturday, October 15, 2022

Farewell, Bleeding Ink


Hello dear reader,

I have some news I need to share. But instead of giving it to you directly, allow me to go on a ramble (which will utterly waste your time) for my own narcissistic sanity:

I have stayed on a less-liked platform such as this for quite some time as I very much so liked the design, energy, and lack of disruptive advertisements (which would entierly kill my aesthetic) that comes with it. 
However, I can no longer stay in this cozy corner in which I write my letters to you, for it has been altered one too many times (these being behind-the-scene things that you as the reader would not notice) and now the cozy fire by which I write has been doused, the comfortable armchair has been swapped for a rickety mildewed rocker, and the stamps were all lost after they were seemingly deliberately thrown into the fire (which was not yet doused) and utterly destroyed by my hosts, who have refused to find any other form of delivering my letters to you. 

That is to say, you will no longer receive notifications for my new posts. 

As a writer attempting to grow my audience, possibly gain a street team, and in general prepare to be a published author, this is unacceptable.  
Add to that the countless confusing updates which blogger constantly throws out, and it's quite clear that it is time for Bleeding Ink to move to a new location. 

I've had issues getting the new site up and running, but it is now ready for your lovely eyes to behold. It also has a new name! "Bleeding Ink & Breathing Worlds" is what we're going by now, but I still refer to it as "Bleeding Ink" as that's the root of it. 
I do like the "Breathing Worlds" bit quite a good deal. I think it shows character growth and makes the name seem less melodramatic. It also fits the new site quite well, and the new site fits me much better than this one has. While I loved the design of this site originally, I've come to realize that it poorly represents my personality and style. The new site, however, represents these things fairly well.

In any case, if you still care to follow my adventures through writing and reading, supporting independent and new authors, and my path to publication, please head on over to our new location, and tell me what you think about it. 

New Site: Bleeding Ink and Breathing Worlds

And that is all for now. Farewell, Bleeding Ink. You've been a good place to write at. I will miss our lovely ink-stained chats, but it's time to go. Please direct all new readers and writers alike to BIBW, if you can find it in your lonesome heart to do so even after I've gone. 

Rest easy, my purple, gold and tea-stained friend. You will be missed. 


- Edna Pellen

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Farewell, Bleeding Ink

  Hello dear reader, I have some news I need to share. But instead of giving it to you directly, allow me to go on a ramble (which will utte...