Sunday, March 29, 2020

Never Have I Ever blog tag

Hello friends! 

Today, I am doing another blog tag, the "Never Have I Ever" blog tag, awarded to me through Mary, of the blog Wild Writing Dreams
(Mary is a hilarious and great blogger, go check out her version of this tag here).


1. Link and thank the blogger who tagged you.

Thank you, Mary!

2. Include the graphic somewhere in your post (or make your own).

At the top of the post! I made this one, but there's others out there too. :)

3. Answer the questions truthfully and honestly.

Will do!

4. Tag three bloggers

Will do (again)!

1. Started a novel that I didn’t finish

Ehh, yes, I have. But I didn't toss them out all together. I have several books that I paused and will continue some day. But I don't think I ever really gave up on a book (not that I have problems with doing that, especially if the content in it is inappropriate).

2. Written a novel completely by hand

Alas, I have not, for that would require having completed a novel.

3. Changed my protagonist’s name halfway through a draft

No, and I never ever will! Names are far, far too important to a character to change willy-nilly. Once, I changed a side characters name and the spelling of another name, but other then that, no (not even when a friend of mine said that my main character had a weird name in so many words)

4.Written a story in a month or less

Well, that depends on what you mean by that. I have written many ballads within days, but if you mean something a novel... No, though I have written the length of a novel during NaNo. 

I also wrote a couple flash fiction/short stories that I lost the original documents for, but they were completed within a month. They were probably no more than 2k words, separately. 

5. Fallen asleep while writing

Nope, but it's been close. Lots of zoning out and brain wanderings. I'm pretty sure my brain up and leaves when I really need to get late night writing done.

6. Corrected someone’s grammar in real life/online

As a beta reader and friend to many writers who sometimes ask for help with editing, yes, quite often. 
Outside of that, probably at some point. I try not to because I'm a little sensitive to it myself (being dyslexic and all), so when I haven't been asked to correct grammar I don't. 

7. Yelled in all caps at myself in the middle of a novel

Ah, most definitely. Usually it's during NaNo when that happens. 

8. Used “I’m writing” as an excuse

I have, though I'm not overly proud of the fact.

9. Killed a character that was based on someone I know in real life

No, I'm not that demented. 
Though who knows, that may change.

10. Used pop culture references in a story

Mm... I don't think so. Though I am pretty sure that pop culture has stolen some of my story stuff straight out of my head and turned it into movies and memes.

Oh wait, yes! I am giving a character a literal arrow to the knee as a sort of nod to Skyrim (I remembered this while answering the last question)

11. Written between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m.

Yep, up until... Three in the morning, I think. 

(Note from editing Edna: I actually drafted the majority of this post at around one in the morning, because I couldn't sleep.)

12. Drank an entire pot of coffee while writing

No, I'm not fond of coffee. I admit it is a practical tool, and good on occasion, but I could certainly never drink a pot of it. Two cups of it is enough to fill me with anxiety for days. 
Tea would be a different story, but even then I switch from caffeinated to herbal at around midnight, otherwise i would never fall asleep.

13. Written down dreams to use in potential novels

I have! I have this one story about dreams brewing in my mind that came from a dream.
Wait... It did, didn't it? Oh well now I'm second guessing myself.
Either way, I'm pretty sure I have.

14. Published an unedited story on the Internet/my blog/Wattpad

No, I haven't ever published a story, actually. The closest I've come is putting my poetry up here. The post called something like "poems written in a sick haze" was generally unedited, given I was sick and didn't care about such things, and the poem under my tab "The Name" was edited, but poorly (and yes, I still have it there despite that).

15. Procrastinated homework/schoolwork because I wanted to write

Once I had to write a story for school and when I did I put off all the other schoolwork until it couldn't anymore. 
Does that count? 

16. Typed (or handwritten) so long that my wrists hurt

Yes, to both typed and handwritten.
During NaNo last November, I wrote it all on my phone, so I constantly had my arms up and wrists locked. 
It was a obnoxious sort of pain, very dull but persistent. But I couldn't let that bring me down and stop me from writing, so of course I continued to write in that exact same position for the month. 
And because moving my arms and stretching them and resting my wrists is clearly way too much work, even when typing at a keyboard, I will likely continue on and get arthritis (or, arthwriteis). 

17. Spilled a drink on my laptop/computer (or notebook or typewriter) while writing

Yes. Too. Many. Times.

18. Forgotten to save my work/draft

Ahahahahaha. We don't talk about that. 

19. Finished writing a novel

Sadly not. I have written the length many times, but somehow managed to never complete it.

20. Laughed like an evil villain while writing a scene

I don't think so. It doesn't sound too out of character for me, but I can't recall a time where I did.

21. Cried while writing a scene

Many many times. But to be fair, mostly in the story I a co-writing with my sister, Liana,  or something in relation to it.
I think my leading independent WIP, Roslyn, has made me cry a few times as well.

22. Created maps of my fictional worlds

Yes! I love making maps! I nearly completed Roslyn's map digitally, but of course, the laptop on which it was made and saved died.
I have a lesser completed physical version of the map, but I am sure I have forgotten much from the completed version.

23. Researched something shady for my novel

Yes indeed. I spent quite some time trying to find the solutions to a near deadly wound I gave my dear side character, which meant researching a lot of vital organs, arteries, and the like, as well as trying to research arrow wounds for a literal arrow to the knee online.
All I got for the latter was a bunch of Skyrim memes and topics, and the more of those that I got, the more shifty and specific my searches became.

My Three Nominees for this Tag:

1. Maple from Maple Quill Penning Magic

2. Mattie May from The Blossoming Writer

3. R.M. Archer from Scribes and Archers

Nominees' questions:

The questions are the same ones that I answered, but to make answering it a little more convenient, here's the list:

Have you ever...

  1. Started a novel that I didn't finish
  2. Written a novel completely by hand
  3. Changed my protagonist’s name halfway through a draft
  4. Written a story in a month or less
  5. Fallen asleep while writing.
  6. Corrected someone’s grammar irl (in real life)/online.
  7. Yelled in all caps at myself in the middle of a novel.
  8. Used “I’m writing” as an excuse.
  9. Killed a character that was based on someone I know in real life.
  10. Used pop culture references in a story.
  11. Written between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m.
  12. Drank an entire pot of coffee while writing.
  13. Written down dreams to use in potential novels.
  14. Published an unedited story on the Internet/my blog/Wattpad.
  15. Procrastinated homework/schoolwork because I wanted to write.
  16. Typed (or handwritten) so long that my wrists hurt.
  17. Spilled a drink on my laptop/computer (or notebook or typewriter) while writing.
  18. Forgotten to save my work/draft.
  19. Finished writing a novel.
  20. Laughed like an evil villain while writing a scene.
  21. Cried while writing a scene.
  22. Created maps of my fictional worlds.
  23. Researched something shady for my novel.

And that's the end! I hope you enjoyed this. Feel free to snag the tag and use it on your own blog. 

Side note, I think my posting schedule is evening out a bit. I have a few posts that need a few edits before being posted, but are mainly done, that should keep Bleeding Ink active more than usual. I also have a few things coming up that I'm really excited for (my top secret mission that I can't tell you about yet). So stick around!


                     ~ Edna Pellen


  1. Haha I definitely enjoyed reading this! I definitely liked the creative 'arthwriteis' 😂 Thanks for doing the tag, Edna!

    1. Thank you ;D Puns are the best.
      Thank /you/ for tagging me. ^-^


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