Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Resurrection Sunday

Death, Hope, Victory, Life
Edna Pellen

Hope is born
As sin is slayed upon a cross
But few understand the Bearer's loss

Darkness floods all in sight
As we don't yet understand
The eternal pain that we've been spared

But then at last
The sun has dawned its light
Putting an end to a dark and painful night

For when it shines
It reveals the cross and tomb to be bare
And we see that, like the Body, out sins are no longer there

With the sun
Victory is born
putting aside the time of weeping
Life no longer is mourned

Victory has been made
As life has been reclaimed
And an old wrong made right
Completed in just a few nights

So it is known
that by the willingness of a Son,
And the love of a Father,
That the world was saved
And death holds the earth no longer

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