Thursday, October 31, 2019

Goodbye October & Hello November

Dear Reader,

On a day generally known for being frightful and fun, I have found this Halloween to be very slow and beautiful.
Snow is dancing outside my window with the leaves. What dance they are doing I cannot say, though it appears to be some kind of ballet, judging from the way they twirl around each other and leap across the wind.
It's beautiful for sure, and the gray hue is like a stage curtain for the beautiful little ballerinas to complete their dance.

The snow isn't sticking. Not covering the fall leaves' bed with a white blanket, just stopping by for a kiss goodnight to October as it waves farewell and November swiftly approaches.

And you do know what that means, don't you?

That's right, my friends. NaNoWriMo.

While generally a planster at heart, today I truly am riding by the seat of my pants and pushing through piles of excuses (which would namely be not having time).
I am looking forward to seeing how far I will get, breaking away so dramatically from my usual NaNo habits.

I'll keep you informed of this as I go, and check in around once a week to inform you how it's going and what my word count is and so on.

I'll also try to better inform you of why I've broken away from my own tradition. But for now, I am very very tired and will have no brain at all if I don't get some sleep.

I wish you the best,

                                      ~ Edna

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Weather wise, Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year.and snow flake dances are amazing! Have a great time writing!


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