Tuesday, January 14, 2020

R.M. Archer's Blog Tour! Story Review ~ Silence

Hello there,

Today's the day! I get to share my review of  R.M. Archer's "Silence", one of the four stories from her new Short Story Collection Vol. 1, 2nd Edition.

As I said in my previous post, Archer is holding a blog tour to help promote it, and I have the pleasure of reviewing two of the stories. Today's is "Silence", the second story review will be on February 1st.

Now, on to the actual review.

It took me a while to find out where to begin with this review, because there is so much I want to say, without spoiling it. But, as it is a short story, that's rather difficult as I've not had much practice.
So bear with me and my vague descriptions.

If you're a writer, or even just a dedicated reader, you've probably heard a lot about the fish-hook beginnings, where the author starts you off with something so good you get hooked and keep reading.

"Silence" is a great example of that. And, because of it's length and pace, it succeeded in keeping my interest all the way through (which, I admit, isn't the easiest thing to do).

In so many ways, this story wasn't what I was expecting, but in all of those ways, it was even better. R.M. Archer has the "author" mind, through and through.
And by that, I mean that she not only understands the mastery of words, but the mindset of readers as well.
This story offers much in the areas of her general writing career, and leaves the door of potential wide open. I would absolutely love to see more of this story and its characters one day.

While lovers of intense description and rabbit trail-esque plot lines may not enjoy short stories in general, because of the different scale it offers compared to a novel's, I highly recommend they give this one a shot. I did, and I'm glad.
There seems like there is so much more to this then meets the eye, like my eyes were just seeing the surface words of the story and a vast sea was hidden beneath them.
But even that surface was good itself.

In short, "Silence" was a great story, one that I do recommend, and will be reading again soon. 

Please, go and pre-order this volume! Show some support to a young author.

Find "Silence", "Carnival of Hearts", "Escape Room", and "Caithan" here:

Follow the blog tour here: **Link**

To learn more about her and her stories, as well as get wonderful writing advice, find and follow Ms. Archer herself here: **Link**

Make sure you go read the two author interviews done for this tour (you'll find the links on the blog tour post I linked to), they're wonderful!

Come back February 1st for a review of "Escape Room"!


                             ~ Edna Pellen

Saturday, January 11, 2020

I Live!

Hi everyone!

Yeah yeah, I was gone for a long time again because <insert the same reasons as before>.
I missed NaNo, Christmas, and New Year's. My device has been finicky again, and so I haven't really been able to keep up with Bleeding Ink.

And, I am still not "back".

I am here because of this:

R.M. Archer is releasing more short stories!
When I was told, I didn't want to miss out on helping with a blog tour. 
So I asked, and a family member has graciously let me borrow their computer.
Which means, I get to participate!

(And then I'll probably vanish again, but we'll have to wait and see.)

So keep a weather eye on the horizon for story reviews, coming the 14th and February 1st!

Stick with me, I'm working towards a better schedule and more material.

Until we meet again, I remain, most humbly yours,

- Edna Pellen

Farewell, Bleeding Ink

  Hello dear reader, I have some news I need to share. But instead of giving it to you directly, allow me to go on a ramble (which will utte...