Thursday, February 21, 2019

True Magic

Dear reader,

Today I want to talk to you about written words.
That's it, just words.

I want to remind you of the magic that they are.
Just think about it, you are reading this right now. You are reading this.
You are seeing these shapes, 'letters', put together in such a way that you understand them. And not just that, but you can envision what they are saying! If I say 'a single red rose', you can imagine a single red rose. And maybe you don't only see that, maybe you see it in a vase. Or maybe you see it sitting on a table by a window with the afternoon sun shining in.

Words... they are amazing.
When you take the letters and put them in the right order to make a word, and then take a group of words to create a sentence, it's like casting a spell.
You are creating something with all these words, weather they be for a letter, a novel, or a grocery list. Think of how amazing that is!

When I hold a pen in my hand, I often forget that I am holding a magical wand. But I am.
Putting that pen to paper, and moving my hand in these strange patterns, creates this beautiful, beautiful thing we call a 'word'. Oh, how astounding the whole thing is!

How my heart swells just thinking about it!

Maybe this is why I am a writer in addition to being a reader. Because seeing the words, reading the words, envisioning them, understanding them, just isn't quiet enough.
I want to deeply know the words, I want to have full understanding of each and every one. And I want to create with them.

With words, we weave worlds, we form characters, we bring mythical creatures to life. With words, I can ride a dragon, I can become a knight, I can be a princess. With words, I can fly. With words I can live a life that is unimaginable to others.

Do you see, friend? Magic does exist, and it is more powerful, more beautiful, more breath taking, astounding, horrifying, thrilling, and more extensive then anyone could ever have imagined.
Use this gift carefully, dear reader. With great power comes great responsibility, and you hold one of the greatest of powers within your mind.

I thank you for taking time to read my rambling passions, and I encourage you to write daily by hand. Even if it's just a single word. The magic flows better from a immediate source.



Friday, February 1, 2019

February Book of the Month ~ Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

To my Dear Companions,

By now, it has become very clear to me that continuing Oliver Twist this month isn't a good idea. I'm only in the first fifteen chapters, and it is a very dense read.
Perhaps starting this challenge off with work from Charles Dickens wasn't the best idea.

In any case, I won't be bringing this novel into February. I will finish it, but not for this challenge (as much as I hate to say that). Once I finish it, I will most likely write a review of it.
Instead of finishing it, I will be moving on to the next novel, which brings me to the next subject;

February's Book of the Month is none other then Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.
I've been meaning to read this for some time now, so I'm grateful to have found this copy in my house.
I've chosen this because I've yet to go to the book store to get any fantasy novels, and because it is short and the month of February is short.

I look forward to starting and finishing this classic. Let's hope I do actually finish it.

Have you, my friends, been partaking in this challenge? If so, how did the first month and book go over for you?

If you should have any novel suggestions for the coming months, I would be very grateful to hear from you (especially if your suggestions are in the fantasy genre).



Farewell, Bleeding Ink

  Hello dear reader, I have some news I need to share. But instead of giving it to you directly, allow me to go on a ramble (which will utte...